Variability , and Component analysis of seed yield for 15 promising lines , small seeded type chickpea.

Abstract: Genotypic and phenotypic Variability were studied in 15 promising small seeded lines of chickpea . A wide range of phenotypic variblity was observed in days to 50% flowering and 95% maturity , plant height , number of branches/ plant , number of pods/plant, number of seeds/plant and seed yield kg/ha . the high yielding and early maturing genotypes : 80014 and 80015 from Egypt and ILC 1131 from ICARDA were the most promising for the local conditions .

Seed weight/plant was significantly positively associated with yield kg/ha trait and have slight associations with number of seeds/pod. Among the yield attributes , number of seeds/pod ( -0.35) and number of pods/plant ( -0.24) had negative correlation with yield kg/ha trait.

Moderate and high estimates of heritabiltes were obtained in individual environments. However , combined analysis across environments , reduced estimates. The estimates over environments were 36% , 38% 27%,20% 23%, 4% and 13% for maturity, plant height , branching , number of pods/plant, number of seeds/plant , number of seeds/pod and yield kg/ha , respectively . these moderate to estimates were indicative of environment stress on such characters rather than of additive gene actions on those characters.
The expected genetic advance over mean ranged from nil to 9.2%. that low estimates may be attributed to that materials were comprised of advanced yield trials where selection were practiced for several years.

Increase demand for chickpea led to increase the acreage planted by it in Egypt . it ranks the second after field bean among the legume crops in the country ( 13000 Hectar) . due to the attractive price in local market , the considerable high protein contents, and its adaptabilty to grow in newly reclamid areas , are main factors suggested to grow in continuing work for the improvement of yield in chickpea . However , its yield has remained static inspite of the presence of substantial variability for selection .
A wide range of phenotypic variability was observed in plant height , number of branches/ plant , number of pods/ plant , number of seeds/pod and seed yield / plant and per area , ( Bhardwa j and singh , 1970: Khattabe et al., 1986 and Khattab 1987.

Khan et al ., 1983 reported heritabilility values ranged from 30.6 percent for number of pods/plant , and the vaules for number of primary branches , plant height and seed yield were 93.4 , 76.9 and 52.9 percent , respectively . singh and singh 1989 obtained moderate to high estimates for 100-seed weight, number of pods/ plant and plant height . Khorgade et al ., 1985 showed that the characters , 100-seed weight , number of seeds/pod, days to 50% flowering gave high estimates for genetic advance accompanied with high estimates for genetic advance accompanied with high estimates of heritability . singh et al., 1973 and patil and phadnis , 1977 reported medium to high heritability estimates in gram . chand et al., 1975;and Katiyar et al., 1977 reported that seed yield was significantly and positively correlated with its components .

The present investigation was initiated to recognize the nature and extent of phenotypic variability and genetic association of yield components with yield and to assess genetic variation( heritability) in chickpea and formulate selection strategy for increasing yield of this crop.

Publication year 1990
Pages 561-576
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية - مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه – الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Proc . 4th conf . Agron ., Cairo , 15-16 Sept .
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural researchCrop husbandry
Seed. Yields.
Publication Type Journal