Evaluation of Some Seed Quality Characters in the Promising Lentil Genotypes in Egypt

Abstract: ABSTRACT

Evaluation of quality characters in lentil is an important objective in breeding program specially for the seeds produced from dry areas , where the crop is recently grown in low rainfed area in north Sinai . this study aimed , in general , to evaluate some seed quality characters of the most promising lentil genotype in lentil breeding program at Agricultural Research Center , and in particular the seeds of the new variety Sinai 1 produced under low rainfed conditions in north Sinai . Twelve seed quality characters were tested for 20 lentil genotype in pots experiments under laboratory condition at ARC in 1995-96 season. In addition , field emergence and yield potential of Sinai 1 and Giza9 were evaluated in two field trials carried out in Sinai in 1994-95 and 1995-96 seasons . All genotypes showed high standard germination percentages which ranged from 93 to 99 % . However , a wide genetic diversity for the characters studied were existed , suggesting were existed , suggesting that selection between and within genotypes could be useful for improvement that selection between and within genotypes could be useful for improvement of quality characters. In north Sinai , the new variety Sinai 1 exceeded Giza9 by 106% and 24% for seed and straw yields , respectively , and had good seed quality characters . Shallow planting with optimum soil moisture content are necessarily to obtain good seedling emergence .
The strong negative correlation between seed conductivity and germination at 70% soil content , indicating that low conductivity is an important charcter and it could be used to predict seedling emergence specially under low soil moisture content conditions.

Key Words : Lentil , seed quality characters , standard germination , seed conductivity, Yield potential

Publication year 1996
Pages 725-738
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية - مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه – الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Annals Agric . Sci ., Ain Shams Univ ., Cairo , 41(2) , 725-738, 1996
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural researchCrop husbandry
Evaluation. Lentils. Seed.
Publication Type Journal