Combining ability estimates and type of gene action for white maize(Zea mays L.) top crosses.

Abstract: ABSTRACT: New fifteen white inbred line were top crossed with two tester lines i.e., Sids 63 and Sakha 9195 at Sakha research station during summer season of 2003.The thirty top crosses and two checks (S.C. 10 and S.C. 122) were evaluated at Sakha and Sids Agriculture research stations during summer season of 2004. Results showed significant differences between the two locations for all the studied traits. Mean squares due to Top crosses exhibited significant differences, while, topcrosses x location interaction was significant for some traits i.e., grain yield (ard/fad), 100-kernels weight, ear height and resistance to late wilt disease. Mean squares for lines and testers were significant for all traits, except resistance to late wilt disease and grain yield for lines, plant height and number of kernels/row for testers. Line x tester interaction was significant for most studied traits. The results, also, indicated that Additive gene action was more important than non-additive one in the inheritance for all of the studied traits. The inbred line Sk-5027/7 exhibited positively significant and desirable GCA effects for grain yield, ear length, number of rows/ear and kernels row number, while, inbred lines Sk-5022/1, Sk-5029/10 and Sk-5037/16 had higher negative and diserable GCA effects for days to 50% silking, plant and ear heights towards earliness and dwarfness. Tester line Sk.9195 had desirable significant GCA effects for earliness; resistance to late wilt disease, ear length, number of rows/ear, 100- kernels weight and grain yield (ard/fad.), while, the second tester Sd. 63 had favorable genes for ear diameter. Two single crosses i.e, Sk.9195 x Sk.5027/6 (32.16 ard/fad.) and Sk 9195 x 5037/15 (31.44 ard/fad.) did not differ significantly than the commercial hybrid S.C 10 (31.39 ard/fad.), for grain yield and some agronomic traits. Also, two single crosses e.g., Sk 9195 x Sk 5028/8 (30.58 ard/fad.) and Sk-9195 x Sk-5036/13 (30.81 ard/fad) did not differ significantly from the commercial hybrid SC. 122 (30.52 ard/fad) for grain yield and some agronomic traits. These crosses could be employed in maize breeding program for improving the studied characters. These information are of great interest for corn breeder to improve, maize top crosses to obtain early hybrids that posses higher grain yield to share in overcoming the gap between consumption and production under Egyptian conditions.
Key words: Maize , Combining ability, Heterosis, Gene action.
Publication year 2006
Pages 483-500
Availability location معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية - مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه – الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egypt.J.of Appl., 20 (10B):483-500.
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural research
Publication Type Journal