Influence of Sowing Density and Retting Methods on Fiber Yield and Quality of Two Flax Cultivars
Abstract: Two field trials were conducted at Sakha Agric. Res. Station Farm, during the two successive seasons of 2003/2004 and 2004/2005. This investigation included two flax genotypes (Sakha 1 and Escalina) as affected by sowing density (1500, 1800, 2100 and 2400 seeds/m2) and some retting methods (still water; water changed every 48 hours and streaming water). The treatments were arranged in cv. split-split design with four replications. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1. The differences between cultivars were highly significant in, fineness, strength, fiber yield per fed and total fiber percentage. 2. Escalina cultivar was superior in these above characters compared with Sakha 1, whereas Sakha 1 was superior in fiber length than Escalina. 3. Increasing sowing density from 1500 upto 2400 seeds/m2 increased fiber yield and its quality. 4. The highest values of fiber fineness and fiber strength, fiber yield per fed and fiber percentage were obtained by retting in streaming water. 5. Still water gave the lowest value in fiber fineness and fiber strength. 6. Effect of all interactions between cultivars, sowing density and retting methods were highly significant on all technological characters and fiber yield/fed.
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معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية - مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه – الجيزة
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serial title |
J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 31(9): 5567-5573 (2006)
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Agricultural research
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