تقري سنوي 2007-2008

Abstract: Egypt’s growing population coincided with limited resources of arable land and water directed research activities of the field Crops Research Institute (FCRI) towards improving production per unit of both land and water to meet the increasing demand for food.

Since its foundation as a plant breeding department in 1903 through its establishment in 1973, FCRI has played a groundbreaking role in developing and improving productivity of the major field crops in order to narrow down the gaps between total production and national requirements. Therefore, FCRI was and still considered one of the major institutes of the Agricultural Research Center (ARC) that has been, for over a century, backing up research, extension, and training activities with a general goal of improving food and industrial crops besides some other research aspects.

The implementation of research activities are achieved by the FCRI departments that are heavily involved in research programs aiming at increasing productivity of the concerned field crops through developing high-yielding cultivars, tackling major production constraints, and providing a set of research-based extension recommendations to be disseminated to farmers via extension agents.

Today, FCRI comprises 17 research departments covering breeding and agronomy research of cereals (wheat, barley, rice, maize and sorghum), food legumes (faba bean, lentil, chickpea, lupine, fenugreek and soybean), oil crops (peanut, sesame, sunflower, safflower and canola), onion, forage crops and fiber crops. Crop intensification, plant genetic resources, seed technology, cell research studies, crop physiology, experimental design and data analysis, and weed research are also covered.

FCRI headquarter is located at Giza along with some field and laboratory facilities for interdisciplinary breeding and agronomy activities. Other facilities are provided in more than 24 nationwide research stations.
Publication year 2008
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Agricultural research
Publication Type Technical Report