Weed control in Faba Bean under Nile valley and new reclaimed area conditions in Egypt
Abstract: Eleven field experiments were conducted during 1987/1988 and 1988/1989 seasons in calcareous soil type at El-Nubariah and clay soil type at El-Gimmeza, Sids and Bahteem stations in Nile valley by using a wide range of pre and post-emergence herbicides as compared with handhoeing twice to assess their efficacy on controlling different annual weed complexes in faba bean fields. The important findings of this study showed that using terbutryne/terbuthylazine (0.504-0.75 kg) , terbutryne (1.05 kg) a.i./fed. in calcareous soil at El-Nubariah, terbutryne (1.0 kg) a.i. and prometryne at 1.05-1.26 kg a.i./fed.in clay soil are effective on controlling annual weeds. Oxyflourfen + prometryne at 0.076+0.63 kg a.i./fed.in El-Nubariah and in Nile Valley, oxyflourfen + terbutryne at 0.076+ 0.42 kg a.i./fed.when mixed in tank can control annual weeds in the case of Ammi spp.dominance. Using oxyflourfen + quisalofop at 0.840+ 0.126 kg a.i./fed.are excellent on controlling both broad leaf and grassy weeds in case of Avena fatua dominance at El-Nubariah station. Such herbicides can decreas weed competition in faba bean fields and recommend as alternatives to handhoeing twice with these specific rates according to soil type.
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Availability location |
المعمل المركزي لبحوث الحشائش - مركز البحوث الزراعية - ش الجامعه - الجيزة
Availability number |
Organization Name |
serial title |
Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Weeds and weed control
Faba beans.
Weed control.
Publication Type |