Evidence for the presence of many Biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (genn.) in Egypt

Abstract: In an attempt to screen the primers, to be used in high taxonomic level of difference populations of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), populations of B.tabaci were collected from five areas (Fayoum, Beheira, Gharbia, Ismailia and Beni-Suef), within Egypt. The pooled DNA was studied using RAPD-PCR. OPA-2 primer gave unique profile for each sample in term of the migration of the RAPD bands and discriminated the populations of Gharbia, Beheira and Ismailia into three strains.
Publication year 2005
Pages 141-150
Availability location معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات - 7 شارع نادي الصيد - الدقي - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title المجلة المصرية للبحوث الزراعية
ISSN 1110-6336
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Protection of plants - General aspects
Bemisia tabaci. Biotypes. DNA. RAPD.
Publication Type Journal