Performance and efficacy of certain pesticides on the black cutworm under laboratory and field conditions

Abstract: This work was done to evaluate the short term and latent bioeffects of 4 insecticides on the black cutworm. A. ipsilon. These insecticides were Cyanophos. Fenvalerate, Prempet and Pyriproxyfen. Also, the performance and efficacy of these compounds on cutworm had been evaluated under field conditions. The obtained results revealed that, A. ipsilon 4th instar larvae was more sensitive to cyanophos than other tested compounds. LC50 values of these 4 compounds were 45.46, 60.69, 78.66 and 123.19 ppm of cyanophos, fenvalerate, prempet and pyriproxyfen, respectively. Mortality percentages increased as the tested concentration increased. Pyriproxyfen behaved as antifeedant agent, decreasing the weight of full-grown larvae. Fenvalerate and cyanophos increased weight of A. ipsilon pupae, while pyriproxyfen and prempet showed no obvious effect on the pupal weight, but caused failure in moulting of pupae. Pyriproxyfen and prempet decreased the percentages of pupation, percentages of emergency, numbers of deposited egg/female and percentages of hatchability. In field trials, prempet, fenvalerate and cyanophos were almost equi-toxic in poisonous baits for cutworm, while pyriproxyfen was the least effective in this respect.
Publication year 1998
Pages 1069-1084
Availability location معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title المؤتمر السابع لبحوث التنمية الزراعية
ISSN 0570-1783
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    زيدان هندي عبد الحميد كليه الزراعه-جامعه عين شمس
    احمد اسماعيل جاد الله كليه الزراعه - جامعه الازهر
Agris Categories Pests of plants
Agrotis ipsilon. Field experimentation. Insect growth regulators. Laboratory experimentation. Pesticides.
Publication Type Journal