Possibility of replacing the conventional insecticides with safety environmental compounds for controlling the two Corn borers Sesamia cretica Led. and Ostrinia nubilalis Hun.

Abstract: Abstract: The present research was carried out to study the possibility of replacing the conventional insecticides (Malathion as organophosphorus insecticide and carbaryl as carbamate insecticide) with safety environmental compounds (spinosad as bioinsecticide and chlorfluazuron as IGR compound) to control the two com borers Sesamia cretica Led. and European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis Hun. The results obtained revealed that all treatments were significantly reduced the infestation of S. cretica. In the early season carbaryl showed the highest general mean of reduction recording 79.43% reduction in S. cretica infestation followed by chlorfluazuron (70.97%), spinosad (60.65%) and malathion (29.41%), while in the late summer season chlorfluazuron recorded the highest general mean of reduction gave 57.15% followed by spinosad and carbaryl they were recorded 50.31 and 45.45%, whereas malathion gave the lowest effect 27.59% reduction. All treatments significantly reduced O. nubilalis infestation damage as compared with control in the early and the late summer seasons. The efficiency of the tested insecticides against O. nubilalis can be arranged according to the mean of reduction percentage during both seasons in a descending order as follows : Spinosad, chlorfluazuron, carbaryl and malathion they were 73.11, 71.78, 65.32 and 38.03%, respectively. The general mean of change with increase in grain yield of the tested insecticides during both seasons were arranged in a descending order as follows: spinosad, chlorfluazuron, carbaryl and malathion giving 98.94, 84.20, 70.23 and 40.40%, respectively. So it can be replacing malathion and carbaryl as conventional insecticides with spinosad and chlorfluazuron as safety environmental compounds for controlling the two corn borers 5. cretica Led. and O. nubilalis Hun. in pest management strategies.
Publication year 2007
Pages 451-456
Availability location معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات
Availability number
Organization Name
City فيصل اباد
serial title مجلة الحشرات
ISSN 1812-5670
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ليلى رجب على الجوهرى قسم المبيدات - كلية الزراعة - جامعة المنصورة
Agris Categories Protection of plants - General aspects
Biopesticides. Insect growth regulators. Insecticides. Ostrinia nubilalis. Sesamia cretica.
Publication Type Journal