Effect Of Different Soil Tillage And Fertilization Regimes In Broad Bean Field On Population Density And Distribution Of Faba Bean Leaf Miner, Liriomyza Trifolij Burgess (Diptera : Agromyzidae)

Abstract: Several trials were carried out at Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station Farm, Gharbia Governorate to evaluate the effect of different soil tillage and fertilization regimes in faba bean field on the population density of the leaf miner, Liriomyza trifolii. Number of larvae and mines in faba bean leaflet were significantly affected by tillage and fertilization system. The reduction of infestation of leaf miner was achieved when the soil had been supplied with balanced fertilizer system (NPK) under complete management system .
Publication year 2008
Pages 577-589
Availability location المجلة المصرية للبحوث الزراعية
Availability number
Organization Name
City الجيزة
serial title المؤتمر الدولى الرابع – استخدام التقنيات الحيوية الحديثة لمواجهة التغيرات البيئية لتحقيق التنمية الزراعية المستدامة
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Protection of plants - General aspects
Agromyzidae. Faba beans. Fertilization. Liriomyza trifolii.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop