THE ROLE OF THE PARASITOID, Tetrastichus sp. lN THE NATURAL -DEATH OF Phytomyza orobanchia Kalt., AT EL-TAHRIR, EGYPT

Abstract: Phytomyza orobanchia Kalt. The Bio-control agent of The Broom-rape, Orobanche crenata Forsk., seems to be promising all over the world. The insect exposed to adverse condition, such as : The attacking by the Eulphid Parasitoid Tetrastichus sp. and the worth climatic factors. So, it is important to checked these factors .Our studies revealed that the insect exposed to about 3.8% to 12% natural death from February to April of the two years of 2007 & amd 2008. However, Tetrastichus sp. not exceeded 4% from this ratio, in the same periods at EI-Tahrir area, Menoufyia Governorate, Egypt.
Publication year 2008
Pages 1025 -1029
Organization Name
City المنوفية
serial title مجله المنوفية للبحوث الزراعية
ISSN 1110-0265
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد على عمر كليب كلية الزراعة ـ جامعة المنوفية ـ مصر
    على إبراهيم فرج كلية الزراعة ـ جامعة المنوفية ـ مصر
Agris Categories Pests of plants
Death. Orobanche. Parasitoids. Phytomyza. Tetrastichus. Weeds.
Publication Type Journal