Evaluation Some Genotypes of soybeans yield under pest infestation

Abstract: The present investigation was carried out to evaluate ten soybean genotypes and Giza35 (check) for their resistance to infestation by cotton leaf worm under natural infestation (defoliation %), spider mite, thrips and aphid, with yielding potential. The results revealed significant differences among the tested soybean genotypes for all studied traits. Three genotypes H 19 L 96, H 4 L 24 and H 32 were considered as the best with high yield and lowest pests' infestation; in contrast H 1 L 1, L 127 with highest infestation and lowest yield genotype. Meanwhile, aphid infestation did not detect any significant loss in seed yield of soybean. Simple correlation analysis indicated that seed yield was positively correlated with number of seeds per plant, number of pods per plant, 100- seed weight and number of branches per plant. Then, selection for more number of branches, pods, seeds per plant and 100-seed weight would be accompanied by high soybean yielding ability under pests' infestation. Meanwhile, simple regression analysis revealed the highly significant negative relationship between seed yield and cotton leaf worm infestation (yield-infestation response as an inverse linear relationship). But, cotton leaf worm infestation (defoliation %) had significant positive relationship with spider mite infestation. It could be indicated that the defoliation % and spider mite infestation involved in this study affected the variability of seed yield. Stepwise multiple linear regressions confirmed that number of seeds per plant, branches per plant and 100-seed weight were the most important traits affecting seed yield under infestation (R2= 87.21%). Then, cluster C (Giza35, Giza111, H19 L96, L117, H32 and H4 L24) which concluded Giza35 was considered as resistant cluster with highest yield. These selecting superior genotypes will be useful for to use them in breeding program to improve some economically important traits as yield and pests resistance.
Publication year 2015
Pages 7-17
Organization Name
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Conference/Workshop