Relationship between yield and its components to detect the direct and indirect effects in some cowpea and guar genotypes

Abstract: The present investigation was carried out at the experimental farm of Giza Agriculture Research Station, ARC, during 2018 and 2019 summer seasons. Seeds of the ten genotypes of cowpea (as stretched crop) and seven genotypes of guar (as standing crop) were separately sown in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications to determine the magnitude of variability and the degree of association between the different traits that is important to provide the base for effective selection for yield improvement. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among both cowpea and guar genotypes for all studied traits. Genotypes P1, P2 and P3 of cowpea and G1, G2 and G3 of guar recorded the highest values of fresh and seed yield over the two seasons, indicating that these genotypes are promising and could be recommended to use among breeding programs. The highest estimates of heritability coupled with high genetic advance % values were observed for plant height, fresh yield/plant, number of pods per plant and pod length traits in cowpea, however, fresh yield, number of seeds per pod and pod length traits in guar, indicating that selection for these traits have more chance for cowpea and guar yield development among the tested genotypes. Correlation coefficient results suggest that selection for higher plant height, number of branches /plant, crude protein, ash% and root length would tend to increase fresh yield in both crops. However, crude fiber (CF %) was in guar only. The fresh yield/plant, number of pods/plant, pod length and 100-seed weight were the effective traits toward in both crops seed yield. However, number of seeds/pod was effective in guar only. Path analysis revealed that number of branches /plant, root length and crude protein (CP %) traits recorded directly and indirectly maximum influence on cowpea fresh yield, meanwhile, ash% trait gave same effects on guar fresh yield. Number of pods per plant recorded the highest direct and indirect contribution to cowpea seed yield; however, fresh yield gave the highest negative effect directly and indirectly on guar seed yield. Hence, these traits could be used in breeding program for the improvement of fresh and seed yield for high yielding cowpea and guar genotypes.
Publication year 2021
Pages 10931
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Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal