Impact of certain chemical pesticides and bioagents on supperssing some parasitic nematodes associated with rice plant under field conditions

Abstract: Under field conditions, trails were conducted to evaluate the two chemical pesticides, i.e Furan- El-Nasr (local) 10% G and Furadan (U.S.A) 10% G as post-planting applications on suppressing population of Aphelenchoides besseyi, Hirschmannilla oryzae, Meloidogyne spp. (J2) and Tylenchorhynchus spp. naturally infested the rizosphere of rice cv.Sakha 101 at six interval times during times during the growing rice season 2006, in addition, the two bioagents. i.e. Bio-Zied and Bio-Arc were also tested as foliar spray on rice for controlling A. besseyi infectinting vegetative parts at the same conditions. Results revealed that all tested compounds reduced the average number of such nematodes either recovered from the rizosphere or vegetation parts to a certain extent. With respect to soil samples, Furadan (U.S.A) achieved the highest percentage nematode reduction values 40% and 49.6% for H. oryzae and A. besseyi, respectively, with their peaks that were recorded to be 315 and 266 individulas/250g.soil after 60 days from seedling transplanting, respectively. On the other hand, Furan- El-Nasr showed the highest value of percentage reduction of A. besseyi/ one gram vegetative parts of rice plant (66.0%) while ranked second to Furadan (U.S.A) in the increment of rice grains weight with values 42.6 and 33.3%, respectively. Moreover, among the two bioagents tested, Bio-Arc. Bacillus megaterium ranked third to Furan- El-Nasr in value of percentage A. besseyi reduction per one gram of vegetative rice plant (28.8%) and increased weight of 1000 rice grains with value of 11.1%, whereas, Bio- Zied , Trichoderma album showed the least values of both criteria.
Publication year 2007
Pages 8705-8712
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title J. Agric Sci. Mansoura Univ.
Volume 32 . 10
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    أحمد جمال الشريف وحدة بحوث النيماتولوجي – قسم الحيوان الزراعي – كلية الزراعة – جامعة المنصورة
Publication Type Journal