The effect of some modifications in managemental and l condition on meat production of chickens.

Abstract: EXPERIMENT : I
This investigation was achieved to study and compared the effect of Flavomycin and Zinc bacitracin supplementation on broiler performance, some physiological characters and carcass quality. This study was used a number of 320 day old Arbor Acres broiler chicks supplied from Cairo poultry company. Chicks were randomly assigned to five equal groups. .
The experiment was planned as following:-
1- Birds were fed without antibiotics (control).
2- Birds were fed on diet containing 25 ppm zinc bacitracin.
3- Birds were fed on diet containing 50 ppm zinc bacitracin.
4- Birds were fed on diet containing 5 ppm flavomycin.
5- Birds were fed on diet containing 10 ppm flavomycin.
The most important results obtained and the conclusions could be summarized as follows:-
1- Average live body weight of chicks AT 2 weeks old appeared that there are highlysignificant differences (P<0.01) between the treatments and control. The results were obtained at the age of 4 weeks (P<0.01), at 6 weeks old (P<0.01) and at 8 weeks old (P<0.05).
2- There were significant differences (P<0.05) between groups fed 50 ppm zinc bacitracin or 10 ppm flavomycin which Gained more over rather than control group or group fed 25 ppm zinc bacitracin, but the group fed 5 ppm flavomycin increased slightly than control and decreased slightly also than both of groups fed 50 ppm zinc bacitracin or 10 ppm flavomycin.
3- The quantity of feed consumption per birds are the same at the age of 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks.
4- Antibiotics and its levels under study had cleared and pronounced significant effectiveness on feed conversion at all age and 10 ppm the flavomycin was the best one.
5 - If Flavomycin is not available it could be recommended to use Zinc bacitracin at the level of 50 ppm as a growth promoter for broiler chicks.
5- Birds fed Flavomycin or zinc bacitracin resulted higher dressing weight, the weight of edible parts and lower intestinal weight compared with control group.
6- Birds fed flavomycin or zinc bacitracin tended to increase the total plasma proteins as will as "albumin " and "globulin over those obtained from control birds.
7- Results obvious that Thyroxin hormone (T4) and Triiodothyronine hormone (T3) did not affect significantly by antibiotics used.
8- The results carried out that no residues of antibiotics supplemented to chicks were detected in muscles of birds slaughtered at the age of 6 and 8 weeks.
The chicks and experimental work were planned as follows:-
1- Sixty birds reared under normal condition and feed ad_libitum without antibiotics.
2- Sixty birds reared under normal condition and feed restricted 75 % from ad_libitum without antibiotics.
3- Sixty birds reared under normal condition and feed ad_libitum with 10 ppm flavomycin.
4- Sixty birds reared under normal condition and feed restricted 75 % from ad_libitum with 10 ppm flavomycin.
The results revealed the following:-
1- Average live body weight and body weight gain of broiler restricted feed intake to 75 % from ad_libitum at 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks of age were appeared decrease significant.
2- The supplementation of flavomycin seemed significant effect on live body weight and body weight gain at 8 weeks of age only in the restriction groups and at 6 and 8 weeks of age in ad_libitum group.
3- Restriction of feed to 75 % from ad_libitum improved the feed conversion significantly at the age of 8 weeks and it was slightly before that.
4- The results appeared that the effect of restricted of feed (supplemented with flavomycin or unsupplemented) on broiler chicks did not significant on total plasma protein as well as Albumin and Globulin.
5- The result revealed that T4, T3 and T4 /T3 ratio as affected by feed restriction did not appear any significantly alteration at 6 and 8 weeks of age. While the groups supplementation by flavomycin at 6 weeks of age were significantly decrease. EXPERIMENT: III
chicks randomly assigned as following :-
1- Sixty birds exposed to 35oc for 8 hr daily and feed ad_libitum without antibiotics.
2- Sixty birds exposed to 35oc for 8 hr daily and feed restriction to 75 % from ad_libitum without antibiotics.
3- Sixty birds exposed to 35oc for 8 hr daily and feed ad_libitum with 10 ppm flavomycin.
4- Sixty birds exposed to 35oc for 8 hr daily and feed restriction to 75 % from ad_libitum with 10 ppm flavomycin.
5- Sixty birds reared under normal condition and fed ad_libitum (control).
The results revealed the following:-
1- Average live body weight and body weight gain of broiler chicks exposed to 8 hours daily to 35oc restricted groups and ad_libitum (with or without antibiotics) at the age of 4, 6, and 8 weeks were decreased significantly by heat exposure.
2- The effect of flavomycin as growth promoter on the live body weight and weight gain on exposed groups caused significantly increased at the age of 6 and 8 weeks on ad_libitum and at 8 weeks on restricted groups.
3- There were no significant differences in feed conversion between ad_libitum and restricted unsupplemented or supplemented groups and control during 2 - 8 weeks of age.
4- The supplementation of flavomycin to ad_libitum or restricted groups were significantly improved in feed conversion at 6 or 8 weeks of age when compared with unsupplemented groups or control.
5- The amount of water consumption per bird during time of heat exposure and at all the day included time of exposure for different treatments groups seemed highly significant than control.
6- The results referred that the restricted groups consumed slightly more water than ad_libitum groups but not significantly and the effect of flavomycin as a growth promoter did not appear.
7- Body temperature of chicks was significantly (P<0.01) increased after the exposure of heat on all treatments groups at the different ages compared to before exposed or unexposed birds.
8- The body temperature in different ad_libitum groups was significantly lower at 7 and 8 weeks of age than control group.
9- Body temperature before or after exposed started between restricted and ad_libitum supplemented or unsupplemented groups did not change significantly at 2 to 6 weeks of age. Whereas there were significantly (P<0.05) decreased at 7 and 8 weeks of age only after exposed.
10- The supplementation of flavomycin as growth promoter did not affected significantly on body temperature in restricted and ad_libitum groups before or after exposed at all ages.
11- The body temperature in all different restricted groups were slightly lower at all ages than all different ad_libitum groups.
12- Respiration rate of chicks was significantly (P<0.01) increased after the exposure of heat on all treatments groups at the different ages compared to before exposed or unexposed birds.
13- The respiration rate did not affected significantly by restriction of feed or supplemented Flavomycin at 2 to 8 weeks of age in all different treatments groups or control before or after exposure.
14- The level of total plasma protein as will as albumin and globulin did not affected significantly in all different treatments groups or control, the alteration was slightly only.
15- The result of T3 and T4 referred to that there were no significantly alteration in ad_libitum or restricted groups at the age of 6 or 8 weeks comparing with control.
16- The result revealed to that supplementation of flavomycin did not caused any significant effect on T3 and T4 with restricted or ad_libitum groups at 6 and 8 weeks of age.
17- The result revealed T4 / T3 ratio were not significant at 6 and 8 weeks in all treatments groups or control.
Publication year 1994
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number 440
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Poultry Breeding Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Bambermycin. Broiler chickens. Carcass composition. Environmental factors. Management. Performance testing.
Publication Type Master Thesis