Effect of feeding regimen and body weight of Mandarah local strain on: 1- Performance of males and sexual maturity of females.

Abstract: A total number of 748 nine-weeks old Mandarah pullets (440 female and 308 male) was used to study the effect of the amount of feed intake through different feeding systems and different body weight on the age at sexual maturity of females and performance of male and female pullets. The optimum economical feed consumption of Mandarah birds during grower period (9-15wk) was estimated by feeding 44 male and 44 female pullets from the intermediate body weight in two replicates as libitum representing as the control group.
The reset of female birds were classified into three categories, small (W1), intermediate (W2) and large (W3) whereas males were divided into W1, W2 according to body weight. Each category received three levels of feed intake (L1, L2 and L3) from 9 to 15 wks and then fed ad libitum from 16 to 19 wks. Accordingly factorial arrangement (3X3) for females and (2x3) for males have been done. Experimental birds received 16.5% crude protein and 2450 Kcal ME/Kg ration from 9-11 wks and then switched to 15% crude protein with 2450 Kcal ME/Kg from 12-19 wks of age .results showed that there were no significant differences in body weight gain during period of feeding system (9-15), which was changed in favor of the restricted birds ad libitum period (16-19)wks. Feed restriction during the growing beriod increased feed consumption during ad libitum period, due to the compensatory effect. No significant differences were detected among the experimental birds regarding age at sexual maturity of females. Moreover, results obtained declared that the restricted period pushed the male to consume more feed than control birds at ad libitum. Accordingly, no significant differences between all treatments were detected in body weight gain and final body weight at 19- wks of age.
Keywords: Mandarah local strain, feed restriction, sexual maturity, feeding system.
Publication year 2003
Pages 1057-1067
Availability location 7 شارع نادى الصيد-الدقى(معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى)
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feed.
Department Poultry Nutrition Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Feeding systems. Females. Layer chickens. Males. Sexual maturity.
Publication Type Journal