Effect of force molting methods on egg quality traits of silver Montazah and Matrouh layers

Abstract: A total number of 480 Silver Montazah (SS) and Matrouh (MM) pullets were divided randomly to 3 groups ( 4 replicate in each). Each replicate was housed in laying houses 3x 2 meters in size with ample open yards. From 22 to 51 weeks fed on the basal diet contained 16.07% crude protein and 2752 cal ME/ kg. At 52 weeks of age all birds of each strain were divided into 3 groups. Each group were divided into 4 replicates contained 15 hens after selection from first season production . the first group fed on the basal diet supplemented with 20000 ppm of zinc
( Hi- Zn) for 7 days. The second group were fed on the basal diet without salt ( La Na) for 49 days . Third group was fasted for 10 days with water provided ad libitum then hens were received ad libitum crushed yellow corn for 21 days.
The following results were obtained as follow:
The Silver Montazah eggs showed the highest significant value of weight and yolk index, while the Matrouh showed the highest significant values of shell weight, percentage and thickness. However, the strain effect did not show any significant effect on yolk weight and percentage, albumen weight and percentage, egg specific gravity, albumen index, Haugh unit and membrane thickness.
Silver Montazah fed on high zinc and fasting method had dropped egg production to zero by the 7th and 5th days, while Matrouh hens had dropped by the 6th and 4th days, respectively. However, those fed on the low sodium diet were continuance in to less than 10% production. Silver Montazah fed on high zinc or fasting hens returned to egg production on the 19th and 32nd days, while Matrouh returned to egg production on the 21st and 35th day, respectively. The losses in live body weight of Silver Montazah hens were about 14.70%, 11.50% and 23.00% for high zinc, low sodium and fasting methods, respectively, while corresponding values in Matrouh hens were 13.40% , 10.70% and 23.60% respectively.
Feeding hens high zinc or low sodium or fasting increase significantly the egg weight than that pre-molt force molting methods showed higher significant values of yolk weight and percentage, albumen weight, shell weight and percentage than that the pre-molt, while decreased albumen percentage. However, force molting methods decreased significantly values of egg specific gravity, albumen index, Haugh units, shell and membrane thickness than that the pre-molt.
Progressing in the stage of egg production significantly the yolk weight and percentage, albumen and shell weight, while decreased significantly albumen and shell percentage, yolk and albumen index, egg specific gravity, Haugh units shell and membrane thickness.
In general, it could concluded that Matrouh hens showed the best significant values of egg quality than that of silver Montazah hens. The fasting methods of force molting showed the best significant values of the previous studied traits than that of high zinc or low sodium methods.
Keywords : force molting, egg quality, zinc, sodium, fasting.
Publication year 2001
Pages 621-633
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title 2nd International Conference On Animal Production & Health in Semi Arid Area,
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد محمد الهنداوى جامعة الزقازيق
    كمال عرفة يمنى جامعة الزقازيق
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Egg characters. Layer chickens. Moulting. Sodium. Underfeeding. Zinc.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop