Medicinal herbs and plants as feed additives for ruminants. 2- Effect of using some medicinal herbs on growth performance of Zaraibi kids.

Abstract: Ninety eight Zarabi kids born from forty-two Zaraibo does (fed rations without or with medicinal herbs additive in the last third of pregnancy) were divided into six groups suckled their own dams milk for three months until weaning.
After weaning they were kept in separate pens into six groups to study the effect of feeding the experimental rations with or without herbs additives on growth performance for three months more ,kids from each group were fed control ration besides the same ratio of thee herbal additive which mothers does had in their rations .animals were fed according to N.R.C. allowances for goats. Body weight gain, mortality rate, feed conversion, serum parameter economic efficiency and carcass characteristic were studied. Results showed that daily gain had significant (P<0.05) increase for all rations supplemented with MH&P with superiority for chamomile (R6)by 35.77%followed by 33.65and 30.53 %for Garlic (R3) and fenugreek (R5), respectively than control (R1). Also, R6 and Nigella sativa (R4) and followed by R5 and R3 respectively showed the highest feed conversion as Kg t TDN/kg gain with differences ranged between 10.16-12.67% than R1.Mortality rate was zero for R6 at weaning age % (MRW) followed by R3 and R4, while R1 and R5 showed the highest MRW.. Using MH&P decreased total lipid and cholesterol and increased total protein and globulin compared with control. Economic return /kg BWG was increase by 28.3,27.6,25.2 and 24.9% for R6, R4,R3 and R5, respectively compared with R1(19.2%). Keywords: Goat kids, growth, carcass, Garlic, Nigella sativa, Fenugreek, Chamomile.
Publication year 2000
Pages 189-199
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City سخا
serial title Proceeding Conferance Animal Production In The 21th Century, Sakha, 18-20 April
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    صباح محمود علام جامعة القاهرة
    عبد الحمن عبد الجواد جامعة القاهرة
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Carcass composition. Chamomile. Drug plants. Feed additives. Garlic. Goats. Nigella sativa. Performance testing. Plants. Ruminants. Trigonella foenum graecum.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop