Estimation of breeding values and their accuracies using multivariates animal model analysis for growth traits in three local strains of chickens

Abstract: Breeding values and their accuracies were estimated using multi-traits Animal Model for birds with and without records of three local strains of chickens. A total number of 916, 1137 and 1030 chicks from Golden Montazah (GM), Silver Montazah (SM) and Matrouh (MA) strains, respectively, were used. Data of individual body weight at hatch (BWO), 4(BW4), 8(BW8) and 12 (BW12) weeks of age were collected from a breeding experiment of one generation. Daily gain (DG) traits between intervals of hatch-4 (DG4), 4-8 (DG8) and 8-12 (DG12) weeks were also used. Results show that estimates of heritability (ha2) in GM and SM strains for BW at hatch were higher than that at 12 weeks. The estimates are 0.45 and 0.22 for BWO and 0.21 and 0.18 for BW12 in GM and SM strains, respectively. For birds with records, the ranges in estimates of predicted breeding value (PBV) in GM, SM and MA strains were 4.6, 4.7 and 4.0 grams for BWO, 31.5, 52.9 grams for BW4, 37.9, 111.2 and 68.2 grams for BW8 and 121.8, 178.2 and 288.8 grams for BW12, respectively. The respective ranges in estimates of PBV for DG traits were 1.15, 0.58 and 1.82 grams for DG4, 2.99, 4.05 and 3.31 grams for DG8 and 9.54, 4.23 and 8.73 grams for DG12. For sires and dams without records in GM,SM and MA strains, the minimum and maximum estimates of breeding values predicted for sires (PBVS) and dams (PBVD) of birds and their ranges for BW and DG traits had the same trend obtained for birds with records. MA strain recorded the highest ranges of PBV, PBVS and PBVD for most growth traits compared to those recorded by GM and SM strains. Accuracies of minimum and maximum estimates of sires breeding values for BW and DG traits predicted for MA strain were the highest followed by SM and GM strains. Also accuracies of predicted breeding values for dams of birds recorded by MA and SM strains were higher than those recorded by GM strain. The averages of accuracies in estimates of predicted breeding values for sires of birds in the three strains were nearly the same.
Keywords: body weight, gain breeding values, hertability.
Publication year 2000
Pages 981-1002
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى - شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title Egyptian Poultry Science
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمود مغربى عراقى جامعة بنها
    ماهر حسب النبى خليل جامعة بنها
Agris Categories Animal husbandry
Animal models. Biological differences. Biological properties. Body weight. Breeding value. Chickens. Heritability. Weight gain.
Publication Type Journal