Effect of some technological treatments on the production of curd suitable for hard and semi hard cheese making from Buffaloe's milk

Abstract: An attempt was carried out to produce a suitable curd for hard or semi-hard cheese manufacture from buffaloe's milk.Some technological treatments being high heat treatment ( 90°c/15 min.), addition of emulsifying salts direct acidification or combination of them were applied .High heat treatment or addition of emulsifying salts each alone or both together increased coagulation time and decreased both curd tension and rate of syneresis. However, direct acidification of high heat cheese milk decreased coagulation tUne and increased curd tension and rate of syneresis. Similar results were observed when emulsifying salts were added to heated milk followed by direct acidification .Also this treatment resulted in a curd suitable for semi hard or hard cheese and reduced the' amount of the required rennet.
Publication year 2001
Pages 256-265
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Applied Science
ISSN 1110-1571
Author(s) from ARC
Coagulation. Curd. Emulsifying. Hard cheese. Milk. Production. Technological changes. Water buffaloes.
Publication Type Journal