Performance of Muscovy ducks fed diets containing sesame seed meal or extruded full-fat soybean

Abstract: Two experiments were carried out using three hundred Muscovy ducklings to study the effect of feeding different levels of sesame seed meal (SSM) or extruded full-fat soybean (EFFS) on performance, and carcass traits. In both experiments, 5 dietary treatments were used: 1) control corn soybean meal ; 2) diet containing 15% SSM; 3)diet containing 30% EFFS. Experiment 1 was conducted using 7 day old ducklings while experiment 2 was conducted using 6 – week old ducks.

The results are summarized as follows:
1- Sesame seed meal contains 28.4% CP, 11.4% EE, 4.97% CF and 2865 kcal ME /kg. It is rich in Met and Arg but deficient in Lys.
2- Extruded full-fat soybean contains 36.30% CP,19.00% EE, 5.39% CF and 3300 kcal ME / kg. It is rich in Lys and Arg but deficient in sulphur amino acids ( Met and Cys ).
3- Body weights and feed conversion of ducks fed 15% either SSM or EFFS were not significantly different from those of the control diet. However, they were significantly reduced with feeding 30% SSM. Mortality rate was 0.0% during the experimental periods.
4- Carcass traits of ducks were not significantly affected by dietary treatments; however, % breasts meat significantly increased with feeding ducks 30% EFFS.
5- Female Muscovy ducks had significantly lower body weight, feed conversion and higher abdominal fat, with no significant interaction between sex and dietary treatments
6- Diets containing 15% SSM reduced feed cost compared to the control or other experimental diets.
7- It could be concluded that SSM and EFFS can be used profitably in duck diets up to 15% without affecting performance or carcass quality.
Publication year 2001
Pages 901-920
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد-الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title Egyptian Poultry Science
ISSN 1110-5623
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    اسامة الحسينى جامعة القاهرة
    طارق الباز وزارة الداخلية
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Carcass composition. Ducks. Performance testing. Young animals.
Proposed Agrovoc sesame seed meal;extruded full-fat soybean;
Publication Type Journal