Estimation of breeding values for lifetime production traits using animal models in new zealand white rabbits raised in high intensive system of production

Abstract: Data on 14210 litters of New Zealand White Rabbits produced by 2945 does mothered by 1613 dams and fathered by 842 sires were analysed to characterize animals of this breed genetically for lifetime production traits. Lifetime production traits measured per doe were total number born (TNB), total number born alive (TNBA) and total number weaned (TNW) and length of lifetime production (LT). For animals with and without records, breeding values (PBV) for these traits were predicated using trait- (SAM) and multi-trait ( MAM) Animal Models taking into account the relationship coefficient matrix among animals (A-1). For the list of all animals with records, MAM generally recorded higher ranges in estimates of PBV for all traits than those ranges estimated by the SAM. The ranges in estimates of PBV obtained from the MAM vs SAM were 15.0 vs 8.2 bunnies for TNB, 17.4 vs 9.8 bunnies for TNBA, 16.0 vs 11.8 bunnies for TNW and 3.20 vs 2.86 month for LT.
The numbers of sires recorded positive PBV when using the MAM were larger than those sires with positive estimates recorded by the SAM. The percentages of sires common between the SAM and MAM were relatively moderate and ranged from 19.0 to 52.4% for different traits studied , while the percentages of sires remaining in the same position when using the two models were very low and ranged from 0.0 to 2.4%. Estimates of PBV obtained by the MAM and SAM for animals without records ( paternal grand – sires and paternal grand – dams) had the same trend obtained for the animals with records. Also the percentages of paternal grand- sires or paternal grand – dams which were common between the SAM and MAM were moderate or high and ranged from 15.4 to 69.2%
Keywords: rabbit, lifetime production, breeding value , animal model.
Publication year 2001
Pages 93-101
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ماهر حسب النبى خليل جامعة بنها
    عزت عطا عفيفى جامعة بنها
    علاء الرفا جامعة الاسكندرية
Agris Categories Animal husbandry
Animal models. Rabbits.
Proposed Agrovoc breeding values;intensive system;lifetime production;
Publication Type Journal