Doe traits as affected by respiration rate, internal body temperature, rabbitry air temperature and some other non- genetic factors in two breeds of rabbits

Abstract: Data of 13 Giza white ( GW) does and 21 Bouscat ( B) does were used to study the effects of doe, season of kindling age of doe atkindling, as well respiration rate, body temperature and rabbitry air temperature in the morning and in the afternoon as covariates on some doe traits ( gestation period, GP; litter size at birth, LSB; litter weight at birth, LWB; number dead per litter up to weaning NDW; litter size at weaning, LSW; litter weight at weaning, LWW). Also, phenotypic correlations ( rp) among litter trait were studied.
This study revealed that performance of GW rabbits for litter traits studied approached that of B ones for the same traits under the Egyptian conditions. Effect of doe on all traits of the study was not significant in both GW and B breeds. Season- of kindling and age- of-doe at kindling effects proved significant ( P< 0.05) only on NDW and LWW, respectively, in B rabbits. Effects of doe respiration rate, its inernal body temperature and the rabbitry air temperature were npt significant.
All doe traits in GW rabbits and most of them in B rabbits were not significantly influenced by the doe respiration rate, its internal body temperature and rabbitry air temperature.
Estimates of the phenotypic correlations were positive and significant in most combinations in both breeds. The positive significant ( P < 0.05, P< 0.01) phenotypic correlation was detected in both breeds between LSB and LWB and between LSW and LWW, while in B rabbits the significance of phenotypic was observed only between either LSB or LWB and LSW.
Keywords: rabbits doe , gestation period, litter size, weight and number dead per litter up to weaning.
Publication year 2001
Pages 57-71
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عزت عطا عفيفى جامعة بنها
    محمود رياض المهدى جامعة بنها
    محمود طوسون جامعة المنيا
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Body temperature. Gestation period. Litter size. Rabbits. Respiration rate.
Proposed Agrovoc weight and number dead per lit;season of kindling age;non genetic factors;
Publication Type Journal