Effect of energy level and protein source on 1. Performance of the weaned lambs

Abstract: A total of 18 lambs, were used after weaning in an experiment lasted 226 days. Animals were housed and designed by 2x2 factorial designs with two levels of dietary energy (55 and 66% TDN) and two sources of protein (Soybean meal, SBM) and (Sunflower meal SFM). Ration were iso-nitrogenous (12%CP) rations.
The results indicate that the lambs fed on different diets had similar DM intake. Daily TDN and DCP intake were increased the dietary energy level, while dietary protein source had no effect on TDN and DCP intake. The dietary protein source had no significant effect on all studied traits. The lambs fed on high energy level resulted in significant increase in average in average daily gain in body weight, slaughter body weight, empty body weight and tailless hot carcass weight. However, high level of energy had increased feed efficiency as the amount of DM/Kg. Body weight gain, DM, OM, CP, EE, NFE digestibility, nutritive values and nitrogen retention.
On the other hand the lambs fed the low energy level diets resulted in better feed conversion as the amount of TDN requited producing one Kg L.B.W., lean percent, bone percent, lean: fat ratio and protein percent on the chemical composition of the meat of the 9-10- 11th ribs and increased of the relative weight of head, legs and empty digestive tract to slaughter body weight.
The energy level did not significant affect the weight of any of the other parts and decreasing percentage relative either to the live body weight at slaughter or the empty body weight.
Keywords: Cross-bred lambs, energy level and protein source, digestibility, growth and carcass characteristics.
Publication year 2003
Pages 941-942
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feed
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ابراهيم محمد صديق جامعة المنوفية
    عبد الحليم قنديل جامعة المنوفية
    بركات محمد احمد جامعة المنوفية
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Carcass composition. Digestibility. Lambs. Performance testing. Proteins. Trophic levels.
Proposed Agrovoc Cross-bred lambs;
Publication Type Journal