Effect of removing the oil gland of non-laying hens on egg production in some local strains of chicken

Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of removing oil gland on egg production traits and some blood constituents of some local chicken strains.
The experiment was carried out on non-laying hens at 240 days of age. A total number of 400 hens of four local strains were used, 50 non-laying hens ftom each of Gimmizah, Mandarah, Bandarah and Baheij strains were randomly collected and 50 normal laying-hens per each strain were randomly chosen to be used as a normal group. Feathers from the tail around the oil gland were removed, the oil gland above the tail was surgically removed. Also, the hen head was cauterized by fire at the rear comb. Then the hens were housed in individual cages for recording egg production traits through the first 90 days of laying.
The main results could be summarized as follows:
I-Hens start laying by 11.8, 10.38 9.66 and 8.78 days after removing the oil gland for Gimmizah, Mandarah, Bandarah and Baheij strains, respectively.
2- The hens were reached peak of egg production after removing the oil gland by 46.70,44.06 37.00 and 35.00 days for Gimmizah, Mandarah, Bandarah and Baheij strains, respectively.
3- Averages egg numbers during the first 90 days of laying after removing oil gland were 45.08,48.1053.82 and 55.78 eggs, while averages egg weights were 54.90,52.98,48.24 and 45.83 g. for the same previously mentioned chicken strains, respectively.
4- Blood serum constituents values of total protein, total 1ipids and calcium were lowered after removing oil glands compared to those birds before removing them. Vice-versa for the level of Estradiol hormone was raised after removing the oil glands compared to those before removing them.
Key words: Chickens, oil gland, egg production, egg quality and blood constituent
Publication year 2005
Pages 493-502
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City كفر الشيخ
serial title Animal Production Research Institute Second Conference & Regional Symposium on Buffalo Production
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    علاء السيد الكومى مدينة مبارك للابحاث العلمية و التطبيقات التكنولوجية
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Blood composition. Chickens. Egg production.
Proposed Agrovoc oil gland;local strains;egg quality;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop