Effect of supplementing lactating cows and buffaloes rations by protected fat and protected protein on productive and reproductive performance

Abstract: Twenty one lactating Friesian cows weighing 450 to 550 kg and 21 lactating buffaloes weighing 500 to 600 kg in the 2nd to 5th lactating season were used after calving and divided into three similar groups (in each 7 cows and 7 buffaloes) according to their body weight and milk production. Animals in the first group (control) was fed on ration consisted of 50% concentrate feed mixture. 20% corn silage, 15% berseem hay and 15% rice straw on DM basis. While, 5% of the concentrate feed mixture was replaced by either rumen protected fat (PF, Magnapace) or protected protein (PP. formaldehyde treated soybean meal) in groups 2 and 3, respectively. The obtained results showed increased significantly (P<0.05) the digestibility coefficients and nutritive values when cows and buffaloes fed protected fat or protected protein (PP) rations compared with control group. While, the results were nearly similar for cows and buffaloes. Cows and buffaloes fed PF revealed the highest TDN intake and the lowest DCP intake, but those fed PP had the highest DCP intake. However, the intake of DM, TDN and DCP were found nearly similar for cows and buffaloes. The actual milk yields and as 4% FCM were significantly (P<0.05) increased for cows and buffaloes fed the PF and PP rations compared with those fed the control ration .The actual milk yield were significantly higher (P<0.05) for cows than buffaloes, while 4% FCM were nearly similar for the both. Cows and buffaloes fed PF ration showed the highest fat content and those fed PP had the highest milk protein. SNF and TS contents, while those fed the control ration had the highest lactose content (P<0.05). Moreover, the contents of all milk constituents except ash were significantly higher (P<0.05) in buffaloes than that in cows. The amounts of DM per kg 4% FCM produced were significantly (p<0.05) lower for cows and buffaloes fed PF and PP rations compared with those fed the control ration. Moreover, feed conversion was nearly similar for cows and buffaloes. Cows and buffaloes fed PP ration showed significantly (P<0.05) the lowest feed cost per kg 4% FCM, the highest output of 4% FCM yield and economic efficiency followed by those fed PF. However, those fed the control ration had the opposite trend. Concerning some reproductive performance, it was found that cows and buffaloes fed PF ration recorded significantly (P<0.05) the short periods from parturition to first estrus, service period, days open and calving interval, the lowest service per conception and the highest conception rate followed by those fed PP ration. However, those fed the control ration had all the opposite trends. Moreover, cows revealed favor reproductive performance compared with those of buffaloes.
It could be concluded that supplementing cows and buffaloes rations by protected protein improved productive performance, while; protected fat supplementation improved reproductive performance. Moreover, cows recorded higher results in milk production and reproductive performance, while; the contents of milk constituents were higher in buffaloes.
Keywords: lactating cows and buffaloes, protected fat and protein, digestibility, milk yield, feed conversion, economic efficiency and reproductive performance.
Publication year 2009
Pages 29-42
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Cows. Digestibility. Economic analysis. Feed conversion efficiency. Milk yield. Reproductive performance. Water buffaloes.
Proposed Agrovoc protected fat and protein;
Publication Type Journal