Economics of some feeding packages application under mixed production system at El-Behara Governorate

Abstract: Fifty farms under mixed farming system at EI-Behara Governorate were identified as farms who commonly used corn silage and/or urea treatment in animal feeding. A questionnaires was designed to collect economical and technical data in dairy farms concerning animal feeding (corn silage and/or urea treatment) and milk revenue before and after the application of one of two feeding packages. The study was conducted from October 2005 to March 2006. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of two technical packages (corn silage and/or urea treatment) on dairy farm income under traditional dairy farming system in EI-Behara. Statistical descriptive and quantitative analyses were used in this study.
The extra total revenue due to feeding costs saving on ration containing whole corn silage and increase in milk production were L.E. 2.07, 4.15 and 2.81 per animal per day for local cows, Buffalo and cross cows respectively. Extra total revenue gained from animals fed ration containing rice straw with urea were I.E. 0.80, 1.40 and 1.38 per day per animal for local cows, Buffalo and cross cows respectively. The 56% of surveyed farmers observed an increase in milk fat, while 42 % farmers found the same percentage of fat content and 2% farmers did not have any observation on milk fat. Milk price was higher for 44 % of studied farms and had the same price in 56% of farms.
Total areas cultivated with berseem in studied farms before the common use of corn silage were 73.25 feddan but reduced to 49.17 feddan (33%) after corn silage making. The difference of 33% or 24.08 feddans of cultivated areas were converted to 21.33 (wheat), 1.5 (potatoes), 1 (pea) and 0.25 (bean). Thirteen farmers kept the same berseem areas as before using corn silage.
In conclusion, corn silage and/or urea treatment enhanced the profitability of dairy farms through feeding cost reduction and increased milk production. Berseem area was reduced by one third of the total winter green forage areas, where this reduction area can be used in cultivating other winter crops especially wheat or other important crops on national level.
Publication year 2006
Pages 325-339
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title Egyptian Journal of Animal Production
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Dairy farms. Economics. Farming systems. Maize. Milk production. Silage. Trifolium alexandrinum. Urea.
Proposed Agrovoc mixed farming systems;
Publication Type Journal