Effects of supplementing laying hens diets with organic selenium on egg production, egg quality, fertility and hatchability

Abstract: This study was carried out at EI Talcamoly Poultry Project, Fayoum, Egypt. A total number of 498 (450 breeder hens and 48 cocks) birds of Golden Montazah (GM) and Fayoumi (F) strains at 42 wks of age were used to evaluate the effects of two dietary levels of Se as Sel-Plex (0.1 or 0.2 mg/Kg diet) on breeder hens performance. Birds were divided randomly into 3 equal treatment groups of 83 birds each (75 breeder hen and 8 cock each). Birds were placed in 6 floor brooder pens, the 1st group was fed the basal diet, while the 2nd and 3rd groups were fed on the same diet but supplemented with one of the two levels (0.1 or 0.2 mg/Kg diet) of selenium (Se) as Sel-Plex. The experimental period was lasted for 23 weeks (from 42 to 65 wks of age).
Results obtained could be summarized in the following:
1)- The eggs from GM hens were higher EN, EM and EP% as will as heavier EW than those from F hens, Golden Montazah hens fed diet containing 200 mg Se/ton diet as Sel-Plex had higher EM value. Laying hens fed diet containing 100 mg Se/ton diet as Sel-Plex had lower FI while, those fed control diet had higher FI value. Fayoumi hens fed diet containing 200 mg Se/ton diet as Sel-Plex had higher LBWG.
2- The eggs from GM hens were heavier than those from F hens with more albumen% but less shell thickness, shell%, yolk, index (YI%) and shape index%. As the layer age increased, yolk color, shell thickness and yolk% increased significantly, however, the YI% and Haugh unit score decreased.
3- Fayoumi hens had higher fertility and hatchability%, as the age of hen increased, fertility and hatchability% decreased significantly. F hens fed diet containing 200 mg Se/ton diet as Sel-Plex had higher fertility and F hens fed diet containing 100 mg Se/ton diet as Sel-Plex had higher
hatchability%, while, hens (F and GM) fed control diet had lower fertility and hatchability%.
4- Fayoumi hens fed diet containing 200 mg Se/ton diet as Sel-Plex had higher WBCs, MCV and MCH
5- Eggs F hens fed diet containing 200 mg Se/ton diet as Sel-Plex h higher moisture, fat and Se concentration in the yolk, and gave the b economical and relative efficiency. Fayoumi hens fed control diet had lower moisture, ash and Se concentration in the yolk.
In conclusion:
Feeding GM and F laying hens on diets containing Se as Sel-Plex, (l00 mg/ton) improved the productive, reproductive performance and relative economic efficiency values of laying hens at reflected by fertility and hatchability.
Publication year 2010
Pages 893-915
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title Egyptian Poultry Science
ISSN 1110-5623
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    منى سيد رجب جامعة الفيوم
Agris Categories Animal physiology - NutritionAnimal physiology - Reproduction
Egg hatchability. Egg production. Fertility. Layer chickens. Selenium.
Proposed Agrovoc egg quality;
Publication Type Journal