Effect of volatile fatty acids supplementation on growth performance and body composition of growing friesian calves

Abstract: Twelve male Friesian calves, 2 weeks old, were allocated randomly into three groups of four calves each. Calves in the first group (control; T1) were fed only whole milk. The second and third treatments (T2 and T3) were given, beside sucking milk, a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFA) containing acetic, propionic and butyric acids in the molar proportions 1:1:2 and 2:1:1, respectively. The quantity of the mixture of VFE was gradually increased during the experimental period. At the end of the experiment calves were weighed where three calves from each treatment were slaughtered. All offals and organs were weighed just after slaughtering. Longissimus and femoris muscles were used for the chemical composition while a piece of rumen tissue was used to prepare histological sections. The results revealed that, calves given the mixture of VFA had a greater final weight and daily weight gain than control calves. Weights of carcass, full and empty reticulo-rumen, full intestinal tract and other offals were markedly heavier in T3 than T1 or T2. The highest values of moisture, crude protein, fat and ash were achieved in treatments T1;T3;T2 and T1,respectively. Longissimus muscle had higher content of moisture and protein, while fat and ash contents were higher in femoris muscle. The muscle P,Fe,K,Cu and Zn contents were higher in T2 than in T1 or T3. Untreated calves with mixture of VFA were lower in their all studied mineral contents than calves fed milk combined with mixture of VFA. On the other hand, concentrations of Ca,P,Fe,K,Cu and Zn elements were greater in longissimus muscle than femoris muscle but Na and Cd showed the reverse. Concerning fatty acids, T2 had higher contents of essential fatty acids than T1 and T3. The mixture of acetic; propionic and butyric acids in the ratio of 1:1:2 had better effect on length of papillae and development of reticulo-rumen than T1 or T2. This would imply that feeding of calves on milk combined with VFA would lead to early weaning.
Keywords: growing calves, volatile fatty acids, daily gain, body composition, offals, raticulo-rumen.
Publication year 2000
Pages 219-228
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى - شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City كفرالشيخ
serial title Proceeding Conference of Animal Production In The 21th Century
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد السلام موسى متولى جامعة طنطا
    حسن غازى العوضى جامعة طنطا
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Calves. Volatile fatty acids.
Proposed Agrovoc raticulo-rumen;offals;body composition;daily gain;growing calves;growth performance;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop