Effect of potassium iodide levels for drinking water on the performance of laying Japanese quail

Abstract: One hundred and sixty two pullets and eighty-one males at 25 days of age were divided randomly into three equal groups (treatments). 200,and 400 PPM supplemented to the drinking water were carried out. Each replicate consisted of 18 females and 9 males. Three periods of egg production were investigated ( factorial 3 T X 3 P). the results revealed that supplementing water with KI at level of 200 PPM improved feed intake, feed conversion and efficiency index. While applying level of 400 PPM decreased significantly (P < 0.01) each of egg number, hen day percentage, egg mass / day, feed conversion, fertility and hatchability percentages, egg specific gravity, shell weight, albumen weight, but sexual maturity age became late and feed intake was increased ( P < 0.01) by increasing KI level. Efficiency index decreased and mortality percent were increased for birds treated with the higher KI level. pullets increased significantly (P < 0.01) each of egg number, relative chick weight at hatch, egg yolk weight, egg shell surface area, hen day percentage, egg mass/ day and fertility to reach the maximum at 15-21 weeks of age then it decreased by advance of egg production period. Egg albumen weight was increased ( P < 0.01) to reach the maximum at 15-21 weeks of age and then it decreased. On the other hand, each of egg specific gravity ,egg shell thickness, haugh unit score and egg yolk index were decreased significantly ( P < 0.01) with advance of egg production period. Hatchability of total and fertile eggs percentages and shape index were declined with advance of egg production period, while mortality percent in the laying house increased at late of period production. Interaction between levels of KI and period of egg production affected significantly feed intake ( P< 0.01) and haugh unit score ( P < 0.05).
It can be concluded that addition excessive amount of KI levels in drinking water of japanese quails during the laying periods reduced productive and reproductive performance at all periods egg production. However, more studies are needed to determine the requirement for Japanese quails
Keywords:Quail, potassium iodide,water consumption.
Publication year 2001
Pages 423-440
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title Egyptian Poultry Science
ISSN 1110-5623
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - NutritionAnimal physiology - Reproduction
Egg production. Feed conversion efficiency. Feed intake. Females. Males. Quails. Water uptake.
Proposed Agrovoc potassium iodide;efficiency index;egg mass;
Publication Type Journal