Comparative study on the effect of feeding maize stalks silage or whole maiza plants silage versus traditional rations on crossbred friesian lactating cows

Abstract: Nine crossbred Friesian cows were used functioning “The Swing over method” to examine the effect of feeding three isocaloric rations based on either maize stalks (TR1) or whole maize plant silage (TR2) versus a traditional ration (CR) on milk production. Cows average 465-kg live body weight and 2nd to 6th parities. The experiment lasted for 140days divided into equal four experimental periods, started just after the lactation peak. Cows were fed according to N.R.C. allowances of dairy cattle (1989) on a control ration at the initial and final periods, at the middle two periods cows were fed the two tested rations successively. The control ration (CR) consisted of: 43.0% concentrate feed mixture (CFM) +43.0% rice straw + 14.0% berseem hay (BH), on DM basis. Tested rations were formulated by replacing 60% of CR by maize stalks silage in tested ration 1(TR1) or whole maize silage in TR2 on DM basis. Results obtained clear that using maize stalks silage
( MSS) in TR1 and whole maize plant silage (WMS) in TR2 rescued 25.0% and 33.33% respectively of CFM used in CR, and saved BH totally. Result showed that TR2 significantly (P<0.05) increased digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, CP, CF, NFE and feeding value as TDN, SV and DCP than those of CR. Most digestibility coefficient of TR1 showed medium digestibility and feeding value between TR2 and CR that had the lowest digestibility coefficients and feeding value. Results cleared that cows fed TR1 and TR2 significantly (P<0.05) increased milk yield by 12.4 and 27.4% , respectively than CR. feeding TR1 and TR2 decreased feed cost/1kg milk yield by 7.10 and 7.58%, respectively than CR. Cows fed TR1 and TR2 showed higher economic return/cow than CR equaled 55.0 and 104% of feeding cost of CR respectively. These promising results emphasis the importance of adopting animal production extensionists to persuade farmers to apply this technology to increase there cow’s milk production beside decreasing the cost of feeding and to get rid of a considerable cause of environmental pollution.
Keywords: crossbred friesian cows, whole plant/stalks, maize silage, digestibility, milk production, economic return.
Publication year 2001
Pages 377-385
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Cows. Digestibility. Milk production.
Proposed Agrovoc economic return;maize silage;whole plant/stalks;crossbred friesian cows;
Publication Type Journal