Effect of some feed additives on feed intake, digestion coefficients, rumen parameters and economical effeciency of Friesian fattening calves

Abstract: Twenty-five male Friesian calves of about 9 months old and 187.6 kg average body weight were randomly divided into five similar groups, 5 animals in each group, to study the effect of Bospro (Aspergillus fermentation extract) and Gustor XXI (mixture of malate and yeast) on production performance, digestibility, rumen parameters and economical efficiency of calves. The duration of the field experiment was 240 days. Theratments were consisted of basal ration without additives (control, TI) or the basal ration with added 30 g Bospro/headlday (T2), or with 45 g Bosprolh/d (T3), or with 3 g Gustor XXI/kg ration (T4) or with 4.5 g Gustor XXI/kg ration (Ts). Basal ration was consisted of concentrate feed mixture, berseem hay and rice straw. Animals were fed according to NRC (1984) and Salama et al. method (2001), where Salama et al. method (2001) incresed 18 % than NRC.
1984 requirments as TON. The results show that digestion coefficients of OM and NFE did not change due to additives. Each of OM and CF digestibility and TDN did not differ between T2' T3 and Ts groups being enhanced (P<0.05) relative to TI and T4 group. Ration of T2 improved (P<0.05) CP digestibility and DCP as compared with other groups, whereas the T3 and Ts improved (P<0.05) relative to T4 and TI ¸T2 showed the highest (P<0.05) EE digestibility, followed by T3. Ts, T4 and TI groups with no significnat differences among those treatments. SV was improved (P<0.05) with T2' T3 and Ts groups as compared with contorl T2 recorded the highest (P>0.05) values ofDMI, TONI and SVI kg/h/d, while the lovest value was recorded for TI (control). T2 incresed (P<0.05) DCPI kglh/d relative to TI and T4 groups. OM, TDN and SV conversion were improved (P>O.05) for T2. group. while, Ts group was higher (P>0.05) efficient in DCP conversion than other groups. Ruminal pH was decreased (P<0.05) in T2' T3 and Ts groups as compared with T" while, T4 showed as intermediate value without any different between treatments. Ruminal NH3-N was increased (P<0.05) in T3 as compared with T4 and Ts. TVF A's concnetration was incresed (P<0.05) for T2 as compared with other groups, while, T3 and Ts increased (P<0.05) TVFA's relative to TI and T4. T2 improved (P<0.05) total body wieght gain and average daily gian as compared with other groups. T2 and Ts groups recorded higher economical efficiency than other groups. T2 and Ts groups were higher economical efficiency than T1¸ T3 and T4 groups.
Keywords: bospro, gustor xxi, digestibility, performance, rumen parameters, Friesian calves.
Publication year 2005
Pages 127-142
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمود رياض محمود المهدى جامعة بنها
    جمال على الدين الصياد جامعة بنها
Agris Categories Animal feedingAnimal physiology - Nutrition
Digestibility. Feed additives. Malic acid. Performance testing. Yeasts.
Proposed Agrovoc Friesian calves;rumen parameters;gustor xxi;bospro;
Publication Type Journal