Economic analysis of three predominant poultry production systems in the rural sector of Fayoum governorate

Abstract: This study aimed at analyzing the present situation of the two most common poultry production systems in the rural sector of Fayoum, namely the traditional and the landless systems. Indicators of economic features were estimated and analyzed using data obtained from a sample of 120 poultry producers selected from 12 villages in six districts in the rural sector of the governorate. Two sources of data were used:
1- The primary data which were obtained from a questionnaire conducted in the study area and 2- available published reports by the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. 2005.
Egg production and meat production were operated as separate activities. The measures of economic efficiency of laying chickens in the traditional poultry production system were better than the landless poultry production system as the gross margin of egg laying were about L.E.30.21 and L.E.26.12 / bird/cycle (year) in the two systems, respectively, while the ratio of the total revenue/total variable costs were about L.E. 1.72, and L.E. 1.54 for the two systems, respectively. Meat production was mainly from local balady strains where birds were fattened in 150day cycles. Estimates of the gross margin of kg of meat were = L.E. 2.89, L.E. 2.87, and the total revenues/ total variable cost were L.E.l.39, LE.l.33 / bird/cycle for both systems, respectively.
Keywords: Landless, traditional, chickens, total costs, revenues, gross margin
Publication year 2008
Pages 97-110
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Animal Production
ISSN 0302-4520
Author(s) from ARC
Chickens. Gross margins. Landlessness. Systems analysis. Total costs. Traditional farming.
Proposed Agrovoc revenues;rural sector;
Publication Type Journal