Analytical study foreign fattening poultry production "case study in Gharbia Governorate"

Abstract: The goal of this study is to determine, the most important economic factors affecting poultry production in Gharbia Governorate the study depended on descriptive and multiple
regression to estimate the production function of two scales the first less than 20.000 and the second more than 20.000 birds cycle in two districts Qutoor and santah.
The most important results were:-
The first scale in the two districts and the two scales had significant differences between the summer and winter production seasons for density, virtnality, feed weight, cycle
days except, the nutrition coefficient in the two scales it was not significant.
The statistical analysis of the production functions in Qutoor showed that the numbers of chickens had a positive significant relationship for increasing the endiny weight of birds, and
by increasing this variable by 10 % arise the production by about 15.8 , 21.5, 17.9, 17.2 tons in average in the two scales for the two seasons of production respectively.
- For santah the mast effective vectors weight endiny during the two seasons and the two scales were feed, number of chickens and veterinary care. and by increasing these vectors 10 % lead to increase the final production by about 5.38, 4.62, 15.6, 1.4,
16.3, 1.3 tons In average respectively.
The study showed that the mast important factors the feed and numbers of chickens that its marginal product exceed its units price.
Publication year 2010
Pages 230-241
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Proceeding of the 3rd Animal Wealth Research Conference in the Middle East & North Africa Foreign Agricultural Relations (FAR), Egypt,
Author(s) from ARC
Density. Economic analysis. Seasons. Systems analysis.
Proposed Agrovoc poultry production;virtnality;feed weight;nutrition coefficient;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop