An analytical economic study for cost production and efficiency of foreign fattening poultry farms in Gharbia Governorate

Abstract: Poultry is an important industry for food security which has achieved self-sufficiency
for lacad consumption of it's product and some exportation.
This study related to different scales of farms the first less than 200.000 birds cycle and
the second category more than 20.000.
In two districts Qutoor and Santah in Gharbia Governorate.
The results of The study:
The weighted average of the total cost for the first and second scales about 900 and 869
pounds one hundred kilograms live weight respectively
the average revenue increase in the second category about four pounds than first
the study showed that the average of net revenue in Qutoor district was about 67 and
102 pounds per/one hundred kilograms for the first and second category respectively. while it
was about 94 and 144 pounds per/ one hundred kilograms for the first and second category in
Santah district respectively.
the benefit cost ratio for Qutoor district for the first and the second scales was about
1.07 and 1.12 , while it was about 1.11 and 1.17 in Santah district respectively.
The average cost for produce one kilogram live meet in Qutoor district was about 9 and
8.69 pounds for the first and the second category respectively while it was 8.98 and 8.62 in
Santah district respectively.
In the winter season, for the first category in Qutoor it were 12.2 , 42.3 , 52.6 tons
per/cycle while it were 7.9 , 7.5 , 9.14 tons per/cycle in Santah respectively.
The second category, the actual, optimum and the size of production which maximize
profit in the first scale for Qutoor were 49.2 , 57.4 , 65.2 tons per cycle and for Santah 42.9 ,
49.7 , 62.3 tons per / cycle respectively.
In the summer season the actual and the optimum and the size of production which
maximize profit in the second category for Qutoor were about 29.7 , 42.8 , 48.2 tons per/ cycle,
whereas that sizes for Santah were about 37.96, 39.4 , 40.5 tons per/cycle respectively.
For the first category in Qutoor these sizes were about 6.13 , 9.8 , 10.6 tons per/cycle
and in Santah it were about 6.8, 9.6, 11.1 tons per/ cycle.
Recommendation :
- It is necessary for educating and guiding breeders and owners of foreign poultry fattening farms with expand the size of the farm so, that they realize economies of scale, as the larger farms more profitable and less in the cost of production.
Publication year 2010
Pages 242-264
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Proceeding of the 3rd Animal Wealth Research Conference in the Middle East & North Africa Foreign Agricultural Relations (FAR), Egypt
Author(s) from ARC
Economic analysis. Food security. Systems analysis.
Proposed Agrovoc cost production;fattening poultry farms;winter season;summer season;
Publication Type Conference/Workshop