Effect of feeding different levels of energy and crude protein on semen quality and fertility of Domyati ducks

Abstract: A total number of 243 Domyati ducks at 20 wks old (54 drake and 189 duck) were used in a factorial (3x3) arrangement design to investigate the effect of using different dietary levels of metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) on semen quality, seminal and blood plasma constituents and fertility. All birds were weighed and divided into nine treatment groups of 3 replicates each. The dietary (ME) treatments were 2750,2850 and 2950 kcal of ME/kg, each with 15,17 and 19% CP.
The results indicate that drakes fed the high level of ME or CP had significantly higher ejaculate volume, whereas, concentration of sperms was significantly increased by high-CP only. Advanced motility of sperms was improved significantly by high, ME, whereas CP levels had no effect. Mass motility of sperms was not significantly changed due to varying levels of CP or ME in the diet. Dead, coiled. clumping and total abnormal sperms were significantly decreased by high level of ME and CP in the diet
Varying levels of ME and CP in Domyati drake's diet had significant effect on all seminal plasma constituents except of albumin contents which was not affected by ME levels. Seminal plasma total protein and globulin contents were significantly (P<0.05) decreased by either high-ME or CP level in the diet, whereas, seminal plasma albumin content was significantly decreased by high-CP, only. Both of seminal plasma alkaline phosphatase and AST were not significantly affected due varying levels of ME and CP in the diet, whereas, acid phosphatase and ALT were significantly decreased by feeding the high level of CP in the diet.
Blood plasma albumin content was significantly (P<0.01) decreased by feeding on high-ME diet, whereas, blood plasma globulin was significantly (P<0.05) increased Also, blood plasma T3 hormone was significantly increased by medium-ME or medium and high-CP in the diet, whereas, testosterone hormone was increased by high-ME or CP in the diet.
Blood plasma acid and alkaline phosphatase and ALT were not significantly affected due to varying levels of ME and CP in the diet, whereas, AST was significantly decreased by feeding medium level of ME or low CP in the diet. Fertility of eggs was significantly (P<0.05) improved by feeding high-ME with low-CP in diets. These results indicate that a diet containing 2950 Kcal ME/kg and 15% CP could be used to improve the reproductive performance and fertility of Dumyati drakes without adverse effects during laying period.
Publication year 2010
Pages 583-600
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City الاسكندرية
serial title Egyptian Poultry Science Journal
ISSN 1110-5623
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Reproduction
Blood composition. Crude protein. Ducks. Energy value. Fertility. Movement.
Proposed Agrovoc semen quality;seminal and blood plasma;
Publication Type Journal