Effect of addition algae (Spirulina platensis) to the diet on the production of laying hens before and after the force molting

Abstract: A total number of 120 laying hens and 24 cooks at 45 weeks of age, from a local strain (Mandarah) were randomly taken to study the effect of different levels of algae (Spirulina Platensis) in the diet on the performance of laying hens at the end of production season before force molting at (45 : 60 weeks of age) and after force molting at (62 : 72 weeks of age). Birds were divided into four equal groups each group was divided into three replicates (n = 10 hens +2 cooks). Results showed that body weight was gradually improved significantly (P < 0.05) with addition 6% algae (Spirulina Platens is) and insignificantly (P< 0.05) with both 4 and 8% algae in the diet compared with the control group before and after force molting. Feed consumption, egg production percentage, fertility percentage, hatchability percentage and egg weight increased gradually with increasing the level of adding algae up to 6% while this increase was in descending rate when the level of algae exceed than 6% algae in the diet compared with the control group before and after force molting. Yolk color and percentage the increasing rate was increased with each increase in the level of adding algae in the diet. But all blood and egg yolk traits decreased significantly (P<0.05) with an increasing rate with each increase in the level of algae in the diet compared with the control group before and after force molting. Hough units, yolk index, shape index and all slaughter traits except abdominal fat improved insignificantly with (4, 6 and 8%) algae in the diet compared with the control group and the level of 6% was the best before and after force molting.
Publication year 2008
Pages 1-11
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal of Applied Science
ISSN 1110-1571
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    يحيى زكريا عيد جامعة كفر الشيخ
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Algae. Egg hatchability. Egg production. Feed consumption. Fertility. Layer chickens. Moulting. Spirulina platensis.
Proposed Agrovoc production season;force molting;
Publication Type Journal