Utilization of Mushroom by-products for feeding ruminants. 3-using by-products (Agaricus Basporius) as a silage for feeding buffaloes

Abstract: This study was carried out to evaluate the nutritional value of Mushroom cultivating residues. Spent wheat straw as a silage (SWSS), through digestibility trial, utilizing SWSS in feeding dairy buffaloes and examine the effects of their feeding on milk yield using 5 lactating buffaloes (599 kg in average) using "Swing Over" method to evaluate the following ration: Control ration (C): 75% oncentrate feed mixture (CFM) of Shehata (1970) requirements + dried spent wheat straw (DSWS) plus l0% molasses ad lib. I st tested ration (T1): 75% CFM of Shehata (1970) requirements + SWS as a silage (SWSS) plus 10% molasses ad lib.
2 nd tested ration (T2): 65% CFM of Shehata (1970) requirements +
SWSS plus 10% molasses ad lib.
, The main results were as follow: (TI and T2) The rations contained SWSS were the best than that contained DSWS (C) in improving (P < 0.05) all digestibilities of varies nutrients and nutritive values as TDN and DCP, specially T2.
The milk yield was increased by 14.37% for TI and was increased by 15.39 % for T2 comparing to control ration (C).
Milk composition of different treatment showed significant differences. Total solid, fat and protein percentage significantly ( P< 0.05) increased of dairy buffaloes fed rations i: contained SWSS.
Better economical efficiency of milk production associated with rations contained SWSS.
Keywords: mushroom by - product, digestibility, performance, lactating bufffaloes.
Publication year 2005
Pages 35-47
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Digestibility. Milk yield. Nutritive value. Performance testing.
Proposed Agrovoc lactating bufffaloes;mushroom by - product;Spent wheat straw;
Publication Type Journal