Response of pregnant Egyptian crossbred Friesian heifers at first calving to feeding whole maize silage rations with different levels of feed intake

Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding whole maize silage different levels of feed intake on productive and reproductive performance of Egyptian crossbred Friesian pregnant heifers (ECFPH) before calving and the first 105 days first lactation season. Twenty four (ECFPH) were grouped into 4 feeding treatments (six animals each) according to weight and age. Animals received their experimental rations with rate of either 2; 2.5 or 3% feed dry matter on basis of live body weight as R1 R2 and R3 respectively, and roughage to concentrate ratio of 70: 30 while animals, the group (control ration) (R4) were fed according to NRC allowances (1996). The basal ration consisted of a concentrate feed mixture (CFM) plus berseem hay (BH) and rice straw (RS) at a rate of 30:50:20. Ages and live body weight at the beginning of the experimental were (27.5; 25.85; 24.97 and 25.74 months old and 499.50; 522.03; 527.63 and 510.42 kg body weight, for R1; R2; R3 and R4 groups, respectively. Feeding experimental was started from the just before calving tell the first 105 days of lactation.
Results indicated that the animals fed rations contained 3% DM of LBW (R3) showed higher DM, OM, CP, EE and NFE digestibility coefficients and feeding value as TDN % by increasing the feeding revel than those fed R1 and R4 rations. While, digestibility of CF was significantly higher in (R1) ration than those of other treatments. Live body weight changes just after calving were decreased for dams fed (R1) compared with other different treatments. However, those fed (R3) recorded higher weight at 30, 90 and 120 days after calving than those in the other treatments. Also, the animals fed (R2) recorded higher average calf birth weight followed by (R3), while, the lowest (P<0.05) one was recorded for (R1or R4). The animals fed (R1) recorded lower average of placenta and fetus liquid weight compared with other treatments, Concerning, age at first calving, drop fetal of membrane, service period and days open, it was noticed that animals received low feeding level (R1) recorded significantly higher (P<0.01) values than those received the high feeding levels (R2 or R3). The 4% FCM, fat, protein, lactose, TS, SNF and ash expressed as daily yield were significantly increased with increasing the feeding level. However, milk composition, protein, fat, lactose, TS, SNF and ash contents of lactating cows fed the four experimental treatments were not significant. Feed conversion expressed as amounts of DM, TDN or DCP intake to give one kg 4 % FCM were significantly decreased with increasing the feeding level.
Concerning the fed cost, animals fed ration of 3% LBW recorded the most expensive value than those fed 2 or 2.5 % LBW. However, animals fed the control ration were the most expensive cost than those fed the other dietary levels of silage.
It could be concluded that feeding pregnant Egyptian crossbred Friesian heifers on (R3) which consisted of 70% com silage: 30% CFM, on DM basis had a beneficial effect on improving production and some reproduction performance but feed conversion and production costs increased with the increasing feeding level.
Keywords: feeding level, pregnant heifers, milk, production performance
Publication year 2007
Pages 155-170
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شارع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal Nutrition and Feeds
ISSN 1110-6360
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal feeding
Feeding level. Milk. Reproductive performance.
Proposed Agrovoc production performance;pregnant heifers;whole maize silage;Friesian pregnant heifers;
Publication Type Journal