A comparative study on impact of thermization and activation of LP-system on quality of milk kept at different temperatures

Abstract: Effect of thennization (63°C/10 min) and activation oflhe LPsystem on shelf life of buffalo's milk kept at an ambient temperature (25-30°C) for 8h or in refrigerator (5+ 1°C) for 72 h was studied.
The keeping quality of milk kept at room temperature was significantly improved by heat treatment of milk. Also. activation of LPsystem significantly controlled development of acidity of milk stored at room temperature. The recorded acidity and pH values during the storage period were comparable to those of untreated milk kept in refrigerator.
Regarding refrigerated milk. the best results of controlling acidity development was achieved by activation of the LP-system before cooling followed by applying thennization. The prementioned two treatments greatly decreased the rate of proteolysis (NPN/TN,%) and lipolysis (TVFA) during the storage period.
The counts of total bacteria. psychrotrophs, coliform, proteolytic and lipolytic bacteria at any given cold storage time were lower in LP activated milk than in thennized milk.
Key words: Thennization. LP-system, keeping quality of Milk.
Publication year 2000
Pages 13-22
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى-شار ع نادى الصيد- الدقى- الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science
ISSN 0378-2700
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    نبيل محمد مهنا جامعة طنطا
Acidity. Ph. Temperature.
Proposed Agrovoc keeping quality of Milk;LP-system;Thennization;
Publication Type Journal