Genetic architecture as reveals ancestral genetic diversity and current gene-flow among indigenous Egyptian sheep breeds

Abstract: Ancestral genetic diversity and human network influencing populations gene-flow are the major instruments for genetic architecture of current animal genetic resources. In this study, levels of within- and among-populations genetic diversity in 289 animals, from six indigenous sheep populations in Egypt (Barki, Farafra, Ossimi, Rahmani, Saidi, Souhagi), and 70 animals from the Mediterranean (Awassi) breed were investigated using polymorphic 13 autosomal microsatellites.
Analysis revealed genetic differentiation between Souhagi and other Egyptian populations, most likely due to reproductive isolation, and between all Egyptian breeds vs. the Awassi. Bayesian analysis identified two gene pools underlying the ancestral genetic diversity while multivariate analysis identified 9 genetic clusters which could be subdivided into four broad genetic groups. Further analysis revealed that this was a result of the exchange of genetic stocks along the Nile River valley and the Mediterranean Sea coast. However, minimal gene-flow between flocks was found in the North, Central and South of Egypt sheep breeds across the Western desert. The present results support the fact that human interaction networks have been instrumental in shaping the genetic architecture of domestic sheep while desert harsh environments limit such interactions and hence gene flow among domesticates.
Keywords: Genetic Architecture; Diversity; Gene flow, Egyptian sheep, Nile valley
Publication year 2015
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيواني- شارع نادى الصيد- دقى- جيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title Egyptian Journal of Sheep & Goat Sciences
ISSN 2090-0368
Volume 10 . 2
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal genetics and breeding
Birth weight. Carcass composition. Carcasses. Dressing percentage. Gene flow. Genetics. Growth. Legs (meat). Loins. Neck. Sheep. Shoulders. Weaning weight.
Proposed Agrovoc Diversity;
Publication Type Journal