Improving Production Traits for El-Salam and Mandarah Chicken Strains by Crossing II-Estimation of Crossbreeding Effects on Egg Production and Egg Quality Traits

Abstract: A crossbreeding experiment was carried out between two Egyptian strains of chickens namely Mandarah (MM) and ElSalam (SS). The two purebred strains and their reciprocal crosses (MS and SM) were used to estimate the effect of crossing on egg laying and egg quality parameters, direct additive and maternal additive effects as well as heterosis and direct heterosis percentages for studied traits. Results revealed that SM cross recorded the highest significant averages for most of egg production traits including body weight at sexual maturity (BW1), egg numbers at first 90 days, 42 weeks and 65 weeks of age (EN1, EN2 and EN3; respectively), egg weight at 90 days, 42 weeks of age (EWI and EW2), egg mass at 90 days, 42 weeks and 65 weeks of age (EM1, EM2 and EM3; respectively), feed conversion ratio to egg production at 90 days, 42 weeks and 65 weeks of age (FCR1, FCR2 and FCR3; respectively), fertility and commercial hatchability percentages. Moreover, SM line reached the age sexual maturity (ASM) and period to the first ten eggs (Pfl0 egg) at earlier age than other lines. On the other hand, crossing did not well improve egg quality parameters. Estimates and percentages of direct additive effect (G1) were negative for most of the studied traits except for EN1, EN2, EN3, FCR3, fertility, scientific and commercial hatchability percentages that were positive.
But Estimates and percentages of maternal heterosis (Gm) were positive for all the studied traits of egg production, except for BW2, BW3, ASM, Pfl0, FCR1, FCR2, FCR3 and scientific hatchability that were negative. Also, positive estimates and percentages of heterosis were recorded for most of egg production and egg quality traits was concluded that using of SS strain as a sire line and MM strain as a dam line resulting in best new commercial egg line (SM) which is of great concern for poultry breeder in Egypt.
Keywords- Mandarahand El-Salam chickens, Crossing, Egg production, Egg quality, Crossbreeding components
Publication year 2013
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- دقى- جيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
ISSN 2010-376X
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    ايمن السيد حسن طه كلية الطب البيطرى - جامعة الأسكندرية
Agris Categories Animal husbandry
Chickens. Crossbreeding. Egg characters. Egg production. Eggs. Heterosis breeding. Oviposition.
Proposed Agrovoc maternal additive effects;direct additive effects;
Publication Type Journal