Evaluated of Egyptian buffaloes crossing with Italian buffaloes for reproductive traits

Abstract: In 2003, MoA (Ministry of Agriculture) approved the commercial importation and utilization of Italian buffaloes (IT) semen, which is being uncontrollably spread around the country; a practice needs prior performance and genetic assessment for both milk production and reproduction traits. In a previous publication (Fooda et. al., 2011) the milk productivity was studied, and the current one handles the reproductive traits. Two of the private dairy buffalo farms that utilize Italian semen for obtaining the crossbred along with the native buffalo were selected from two different ecological zones to be included in this study being "Ganat Elreda" farm in Ismaeleia governorate (Newly reclaimed dese11 area) and "United Group" farm in Qaliobeia governorate (old delta). This study aims to evaluate the Egyptian Italian but1alo crosses (1/2EG.1/2IT) for some reproductive traits, in comparison to their Egyptian contemporaries (EG), to assess the crossing trial. The traits included age at first calving (AFC), number of service per conception (NS), gestation period (GP), calving interval (CI), days open (DO) and service period (SP).
A total 177 records, 102 record from .Ganat Elreda farm (57 record EG and 46 record 1/2EG 1/21T; and 74 records from United Group farm (26 record EG and 48 record 1/2EG 1/2IT) was utilized, covering the period from 2007 to 2009. Results obtained indicate that the Egyptian buffaloes performed better than the crossbreed for (NS), (CI), (DO) and (SP) traits. Since the results for NS, CI, DO and SP were 1.2, 395, 71 and 38 days, respectively for EG, while for crossbred, the results were 1.87,429,118 and 76 days, respectively in farm!. And in farm 2, the results were 1.82,418, 104 and 77 days for EG, but, the results were 2,433, 119 and 85 days, respectively for crossbred.
Keywords: Egyptian and Italian buffaloes, crossing, reproduction traits.
Publication year 2011
Pages 209-213
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيواني- شارع نادى الصيد- دقى- جيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country United States
serial title Journal of American Science
ISSN 1545-1003
Volume 7 . 7
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal husbandry
African buffaloes. Crossbreds. Crossbreeding. Reproduction. Water buffaloes.
Publication Type Journal