Effect of supplementing sea algae (ganoderma®) to diets on reproductive capabilities of rabbits

Abstract: The present work aimed to investigate the effect of supplementing different levels of sea algae in diets on fertilizing ability of bucks and fertility traits of New-Zealand White (NZW) rabbit does. The study lasted five months. A total number of 204 NZW rabbits (48 males aged 3 months and 156 females aged 2.5 months) were used in the present work. Animals were divided into three comparable experimental groups (16 males and 52 females each). The first group was fed a commercial diet and kept untreated (control group), while the 2nd and 3rd groups (treated groups) were fed the same diet but supplemented with 200 and 400 g sea algae/ ton diet, respectively.
Results obtained indicated that, age at first mating of NZW rabbit males significantly (P<0.05) decreased, while weight at first mating and alive body weight significantly (P<0.05) increased due to feed diets supplemented with different levels of sea algae. Absolute and relative weights of testes, epididymis, sexual accessory glands and pituitary gland, as well as, scrotal circumference; testicular index and mating activity of NZW rabbit bucks increased significantly (P<0.05 or 0.01) in descending order with diets supplemented with 400 and 200 g sea algae, respectively. Male and female sexual hormones significantly (P<0.01) increased due to sea algae supplementation to the diets.
Conception and abortion rates, litter size and weight at birth and at weaning, as well as, bunny weight at birth and at weaning were improved significantly (P<0.05 or 0.01) by supplementing 400 and 200 g sea algae, respectively.
Milk yield and composition and total pre-weaning mortality rates improved significantly (P<0.05 or 0.01) by feeding diets supplemented with sea algae.
Conclusively, it could be concluded that, supplementing sea algae to NZW rabbit diets caused significant improvement in fertilizing ability of bucks and fertility traits of does. From the economical point, 200 g/ ton diet is recommended for rabbits.
Keywords: Rabbits; sea algae; ganoderma®; reproductive; fertility; milk.
Publication year 2013
Pages 77 - 90
Availability location معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- دقى- جيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science
ISSN 1110-2594
Volume 23 . 2
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal physiology - Nutrition
Algae. Fertility. Ganoderma. Milk. Rabbits. Reproduction.
Publication Type Journal