Effect of different levels and sources of dietary fiber on productive and economical performance in local laying hens
1-during growing period and subsequent laying performance
Abstract: A total number of 594 Sinai birds (540 female and 54 males) 11-weeks-old were weighed and divided into six dietary treatments to investigate the effect of dietary different levels of crude fiber on growth performance and nutrients digestibility during the growing period (11-19 wks of age). The birds were fed a control diet with 3.5 % crude fiber while, the remaining treatments were given higher levels of dietary crude fiber as a result of usage different levels of sunflower meal (7 and 14 % SFM), olive cake (5 and 10% OK) and combination between them (7% SFM and 5% OK), whereas, at 19 to 20 wks of age hens fed pre-lay diet contained 2% Ca, afterward all birds were fed on the same layer diet during laying period from 20 to 40 wks of age to study the subsequent effect to higher levels of dietary crude fiber during growing period on sexual maturity, laying performance, egg quality traits and reproductive performance. Resulted obtained could be summarized in the following: 1. Increasing dietary fibers (up to 6% CF)., during the growing period significantly improved live body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio compared to control diet (3.65% CF). 2. Ether extract (EE) and crude fiber (CF) digestibility were significantly greater for the all dietary crude fiber treatments compared to the control diet. Regarding the results of crude protein (CP) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) digestibility, it indicated that all dietary treatments >did not actually differ from the control except diets contained 6.23 and 6.02% CF (10% OK and 7% SFM+5% OK) which was even significantly less than the control diet. 3. Nitrogen retention was significantly higher for the birds fed diet with 5.9 and 4.77% CF (14% SFM and 5% OK) compared to the control and other groups. Thus, increasing the dietary crude fiber content may be a feasible option to mitigate NH3 emission. 4.The relative weight of proventriculus was significantly decreased by using the different levels of fiber as compared to the control diet. Conversely, the birds fed control diet significantly recorded the lowest value of gizzard weight percent while the highest value was recorded by those fed diet contained 5.95% CF (14% SFM) followed by the other groups. 5. The inclusion of different fiber levels in the diets resulted in significantly increased in the relative length of ceca as compared the control diet. 6. Feeding higher dietary (6% CF) reduced age at sexual maturity (127 days) compared to control diet which recorded the longest age (137 days) compared to the control diet. However, control diet recorded the highest 1st egg weight than all groups. 7. Increasing dietary fiber during growing period resulted in a significant increase in egg number, laying rate% and egg mass/ hen. 8. Fertility% was significantly increased in eggs from hens previously fed diet contained 6.23% CF (10% OK) during the growing period compared to the other groups followed by those fed diet with 6.02% CF (7% SFM+5% OK). But, all dietary treatments significantly increased the hatchability as compared to the control diet. 9. Economic efficiency to egg production was improved by feeding on the different levels of crude fiber especially the diet contained 5.9% CF(14% SFM) during the period from 11-19 weeks of age which was significantly higher EE than all other groups. The results in the present study demonstrated that the birds during the growing period (11-19 wks of age) require crude fiber ranged from 4.5 to 6% from SFM or OK for optimal performance during the growing and laying periods. Key Words: Dietary fiber, Sunflower, Olive, maturity, Laying performance, Nutrients
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معهد بحوث الانتاج الحيوانى- شارع نادى الصيد- دقى- جيزة
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serial title |
Egyptian Poultry Science Vol
Volume |
. 1
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Animal feeding
Laying performance.
Sunflower seed.
Publication Type |