Biochemical and pathological studies of accidintal Neocidol toxicosis in Belgium wolf dogs

Abstract: The toxicity with Neocidol ,showed significant changes
in clinical ,haematological ,biochemical and pathological conditions of toxicated dogs . These changes leaded to failure of most organs especially heart , liver and kidney
Publication year 2002
Pages -
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان
Availability number
Organization Name
City مشتهر
serial title مجلة كلية الطب البيطرى بمشتهر
Department Provincial Lab. Department
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    3- منى فاروق محمود كلية الطب البيطرى بمشتهر
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Blood. Dogs. Liver. Toxicity.
Proposed Agrovoc Neocidol toxicosis ;belgium wolf dogs ;
Publication Type Journal