Laboratory investigation of bacterial pneumonia in camels
Abstract: The present study aimed to throw a light on the important clinical signs and bacterial causes of pneumonia among camels slaughter in El- Basatein Abattoir during one year. Study also the haematologica, serum biochemical and pathological changes association the disease. The study includes 230 camels of both sixes, 9 month-2 years old. On the basis of clinical and bacteriological examination camels were classified into two groups 91 camels showed the clinical signs of pneumonia to bacterial cause (disease group) and 20 camels were healthy and served as control. The other 25 camels were pneumonia to other cause of bacteria. Severe dyspnoea, moist cough, harried respiration, cyanosis of the mucous membrane, anorexia, depression. Bcateriological isolates indicated that Strept. pneumoniea, Staph. aureus, E. coli, P. haemolitica and S. pyogenes were the cause of pneumonia. Haematological picture of the diseased camels revealed significant decrease in ed blood cells count, PCV and Hb concentration association with leucocytosis. Serum biochemical analysis revealed significant decrease in both total protein and albumin levels with significant increase in the level of globulin. Elevation in the serum levels of urea and creatinine. The pathological studies showed 1. Haemorrhagic pneumonia: The alveolar lumina showed edema and/or few fibrin threads and mononuclear inflammatory cells as well as pneumocyte type II with infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells and/or its engorgement with RBCs. 2. Fibrinous pneumonia: The alveolar lumina revealed the presence of eosinophilic exudates, contained faintly pink fibrille netweark of fibrin. 3. Necrotic pneumonia: the alveolar lumina were distended with cellular exudates which consisted of denuded necrotic alveolar lining cells. In vitro, minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC) for each type isolated bacteria were Gentamicin, Nitrofuranation, Amikacin and Enroflaxacin and Chloramphenicol.
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serial title |
Egyptian J. of Comparative pathology and clinical pathology.
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Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Animal diseases
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