Efficacy Of Iron Dextrin In Prevention Of Nutritional Anemia In Newly- Born Cattle Calves

Abstract: A study of the efficacy of iron dextran to compensate the shortage of iron in blood by injection in newly-born cattle calves suckling dams milk . the experiment was carried out on a commercial flock belonged to aprivate farm in Sharkia governorate during october-december 2003 .
Animals used ( 60 calves) were divided into 2 equal groups ( control and treated one ) the treated calves were allocated according to age into equal six subgroups each of calves ( days age). each treated subgroup received one injectable does of 500 mg iron dextran intamuscular per calf blood and serum samples were collected before injection then after 2&4 weeks postinjection as after weaning at3 months old form each animal in all tested groups . hematological and biochemical investigations showed significant no anaemic changescases were recorded during the first two month of age . however iron suppementation improved the hematological values ( RBCs, Hb, PCV and MCV ) in injected calves more than their control the significant decrease of serum iron and increase of total iron binding capacity and unsaturated iron binding capacity in control animals were improved in animal treated with iron till 21 th day old on contrary the older ages at 30 and 40 days were notcorrected byone dose after weaning ( at3 montha old ) no significantchanges were recorded .
on conclusion administration of 500 mg iron dextran to suckling calves under 21 days old maybe a helpful tool to prevent iron defciency anaemia in newly born calves
Publication year 2004
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان- ش نادى الصيد -الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City بنها
serial title المؤتمر العلمى الاول
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Anaemia. Calves. Cattle. Dextrins. Iron.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop