Efficacy And Pharmacokinetics Of Chloramphenicol In Aeromonas Hydrophila Infected Clarias Lazera

Abstract: Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of chloramphenicol treatment were studied in Clarias lazera experimentally infected with Aeromonas hydrophila following experimental infection , and appearance of clinical symptoms which were mostly signs of septicemia , fish were injected intraperitonealy with chloramphenicol (50 mg/kg body weight )the obtained results showed that chlormphenicol was effective for treatment of A. hydrophila infection among clarias lazera In addition , chloramphenicol was rapidly absorbed in A. hydrophila infected fish group ( 1.07 +0.03 h-1 and t0.5 =0.64+ 0.06h than in normal non-infected fish group In conclusion this study showed that the computed interval between chloramphenicol doses was shorter in A. hydrophila infected fish group .
Publication year 1999
Pages 251-260
Availability location مكتبة معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان - ش نادى الصيد -الدقى - الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City ينى سويف
serial title مجلة بنى سوبف الطبية البيطرية
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد العزيز عبد الفتاح المعاز
Agris Categories Animal diseases
Aeromonas hydrophila. Chloramphenicol. Clarias lazera.
Publication Type Journal