Carcinogenic potential of estrogen on newly born female rats
Abstract: The present study was carried out to evaluate the carciogenic potential of estrogen hormone on newly born female rats. for this pupose 100 newly born female rats were used . the treated group was dosed estrogen (folone ampoule 5 mg/mi)diluted in 10 mi olive oil from the first day till 3 months of age . at maturity age the treated female rats recorded significant increase in body weight, earlier puberty , irregular oestrus cycle and decline in fertility index. Maternal and foetal values indicated a sharp decrease in number of live foeti/dam accompanied by a significant increase in resorption and dead %. However, placental and foetal weight, length and external malformation % did not significantly altered comparing with the control group A significanr hyperprolactinemin accompaning with the control group.Asignificant . the uteri revealed squamous metaplasia of the endometrial epithelium at 5 monthe of age, while focal dysplasia and heratinized carcinoma in situ of the endometrial epithelium were recognized at 7 months of age . It was concluded that estrogen is a potent carcinogen in the uteri and mammary glands of female rats particularly when exposed to estrogen even at small doses at the early time of life.
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مكتبة معهد بحوث صحة الحيوان- ش نادى الصيد -الدقى -الجيزة
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Organization Name |
serial title |
المجلة المصرية للباثولوجيا والباثولوجيا الاكلينيكية المقارنة
Author(s) from ARC |
Agris Categories |
Animal physiology - Reproduction
Proposed Agrovoc |
newly born;
Publication Type |